May I recommend you go back to the previous Blog and take a look at the two illustrations there. They are the basis for the content of this Blog.
“Short-term comfort for long-term trouble is not the trade you’re looking for. The easy way is not the easy way.”
—Richard Bach, author
If you’re having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, it’s because you have no new goals. Every day has become a repeat of the day before. “What’s your goal today?” “I’m gonna go in and repeat yesterday.” “How was yesterday?” “Not too good.” “Then why do it?” “Well, it’s my job.” Wrong! It’s your habit in doing your job.
We develop a habit in the way we do the job—then we get bored with the habit and blame our boredom on the job! There’s still a lot of adventure and excitement to be realized in your job—if you’re willing to work to get better and better at it.
When people quit getting better at what they do, when they stop attaching themselves to constructive goals, it’s because there’s something inside them that’s misleading them into the feeling that they can’t get better, no matter what they do, or that they know it all. So they stop taking aim at things. Habit has made them complacent and lazy, a little too self-assured and cocky, like that fighter pilot who forgets to “check his six.”
When you’re going around in that familiar circle, you’re just making a living. When you finally manage that right-hand turn, you
could be making a life, with a real sense of enjoyment in what you do—not only something to live on, but something to live for.
I believe that every perceived limitation can be traced to a decision not to make that right-hand turn into growth and greatness. In this book, we’ll be looking at the best ways to help you manage that turn, day in and day out—and make the right decision at the crossroads.
Immediate Action: Think of the last time you had the opportunity to grow, to stretch yourself, to broaden your abilities—and you took it. Maybe you took a class in a subject you loved, or went “into the zone” to develop a new approach for a problem at work. How did it feel to expand your horizons? Did it leave you feeling more energized, better equipped, and with higher morale to deal with the challenges of life?
Point to Ponder Before You Go On: Will Rogers may have put it best: “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”